What can we do this moment?

My name is Chi, I was born in Yamagata(Tohoku) Japan and now living in Berlin Germany. So many my friends in Japan are in very difficult situation this moment.Please help me to Cheer-Japan-up! Just send me short message with nice cheer up picture. maybe your smile, your family, your pet, just flower, beautiful landscape... just think about what makes you happy. < 1000overchaos@mail.goo.ne.jp > is my email address. I will translate to Japanese and upload your message. Many my japanese friends got some energy from this website. Please don't let them alone.
+++Online Spende Deutsches Rotes Kreuz+++      +++ Online Donation American RED CROSS +++


プラハより ~Davidさん~

 Hi, my name is David-from Prague/Czech
I love Japan and all those people with their friendly and smiley lifestyle.
I have a Japanese girlfriend, curently in Ibaraki
and also many friends in there so i take it personaly.
I feel so sorry for this dissaster, 
all people who lost their lifes, homes, beloved ones.
I donated today to JRC and also join volunteer to help
from my coutry to support you all as much as i can.
I pray for you great people of Japan all the time since that happened.
I want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in this fight and
that i will definitely use my heart, head, soul and whole my body to help.
I love you great Japan and believe that you will win and reborn much stronger than before.
Many love, hugs and kisses for every single person

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